Ethiopia Wolf Safari

Explore Africa with the "Ethiopia Wolf Safari" Tour

13 Days

This 13-day Ethiopia wolf safari takes you to the Senkelle Wildlife Sanctuary and Bale Mountain National Park in the highlands, where you’ll follow Bale Monkey trails. Our Ethiopian safari includes a cultural experience with the Hamer tribes in the Omo Valley, a boat ride over Lake Chamo, a visit to the Langano Lakes, hiking through Arba Minch, and a stop at the Guassa Community Conservation Area to see Ethiopian Gelada monkeys playing and scavenging on the grassland plains.

Tour Ethiopia’s beautiful capital on your first day. In 1887, Emperor Menelik II made Addis Ababa his capital due to its advantageous location 2,700 meters above sea level in the central highlands. This 13-day itinerary offers comfort and adventure, making it easy for your clients to explore Ethiopia’s unique wildlife, like the wolf, without missing out on any creature comforts.

Trip Highlights

Addis Ababa - Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Sheraton Addis

Day 1: Arrival at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport
Guests will arrive at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, where they will be transferred to the Sheraton Addis, a luxury hotel that offers a comfortable start to their adventure.

Senkele Wildlife Sanctuary - Ethiopia 02

Hawassa, Ethiopia

Lewi Resort

Days 2 - 4: Senkelle Wildlife Sanctuary
After breakfast, guests will head to Senkelle Wildlife Sanctuary, home to the rare Swayne’s hartebeest. They'll stay at Lewi Resort, which provides an ideal base for daily game drives and guided walks through the sanctuary. Bird-watching enthusiasts will also find plenty to tweet about.

Ethiopian wolf

Bale Mountains, Ethiopia

Bale Mountain Lodge

Days 5 - 8: Bale Mountains National Park
The journey continues to Bale Mountains National Park in the highlands. Here, guests will check into Bale Mountain Lodge, a cozy option offering stunning views. Activities include exploring the Sanetti Plateau, hiking to the Harenna Forest, and enjoying picturesque picnics by alpine lakes.

Days 9 - 12: Ethiopia Wolf Spotting
The focus now turns to spotting the Ethiopian wolf, the world’s rarest canid. Activities include guided wolf tracking, high-altitude walks, and photography sessions to capture these elusive creatures.

Sheraton Addis - Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Sheraton Addis

Day 13: Return to Addis Ababa
Guests will return to Addis Ababa and spend their final evening at Sheraton Addis. They have the option of exploring the city’s historical sites, shopping for local crafts, or dining at traditional Ethiopian restaurants.