Amboseli National Park


Explore Amboseli National Park

Located in southern Kenya, Amboseli National Park lies at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s tallest peak. This park is celebrated for its stunning views of the mountain and its large herds of free-ranging elephants. Known as the “Land of Giants,” Amboseli is recognized worldwide for its unique and diverse ecosystem. While it may not hold any global records, its captivating landscapes and rich wildlife make it a top destination for nature lovers.

Safari game drives in Amboseli offer a front-row seat to some of the most spectacular wildlife viewing. Early morning or late afternoon drives are ideal for spotting animals when they are most active. Guides will navigate through different habitats, from marshlands to dry plains, ensuring you catch a glimpse of a wide variety of species.

Guided nature walks allow you to explore the park’s flora and fauna up close. Learn about local plants, insects, and the smaller creatures that call Amboseli home. These walks offer a deeper understanding of the park’s ecosystem.

Amboseli is famous for its large herds of elephants, which you can often see walking against the backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro. These gentle giants are a focal point of any trip to the park. Lions, leopards, and cheetahs roam the plains, offering thrilling sightings for those lucky enough to encounter them. Amboseli’s open landscapes make it easier to spot these elusive predators. Beyond the giants, you’ll find a wealth of other herbivores including large herds of buffaloes and zebras. Their presence makes for vibrant and dynamic scenes, especially during the dry season when they gather around water sources.

Observation Hill

Climb to the top of Observation Hill for a panoramic view of the park. This spot provides exceptional vistas of Mount Kilimanjaro, the swamps, and the vast plains below. It’s a perfect place to capture some memorable photos.

Enkongo Narok Swamp

The park’s swamps, particularly Enkongo Narok Swamp, serve as a vital water source for many animals. Visiting these wetland areas can provide intimate views of hippos wallowing and elephants bathing.

Mount Kilimanjaro Views

Although Kilimanjaro lies in Tanzania, its towering presence dominates the horizon of Amboseli. Clear mornings often offer stunning photo opportunities of the snow-capped summit.

Mount Kilimanjaro

Best Time to Visit

June to October (Dry Season)
The dry season is prime time for wildlife viewing as animals gather around water sources. The clear skies also offer the best views of Mount Kilimanjaro.

November to May (Wet Season)
While the park sees fewer visitors during this period, the wet season transforms the landscape into a lush, green haven. It’s also a great time for birdwatching and seeing newborn animals.


Amboseli is a malaria region, so taking antimalarial medication is advisable. Ensure your vaccinations are up to date and pack insect repellent to ward off pesky mosquitoes. Lightweight, neutral-colored clothing is recommended. A good pair of walking shoes and a hat will keep you comfortable during your adventures. Don’t forget sunscreen and a reusable water bottle. The equatorial sun can be fierce, so sunscreen, sunglasses, and ample water are essential. Staying hydrated is key, especially when engaging in outdoor activities.

Amboseli National Park offers a unique blend of striking landscapes and incredible wildlife viewing, all set against the majestic backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro. From exciting game drives and birdwatching to cultural visits, there’s something for everyone. Just pack wisely and follow the guidelines to ensure a safe and unforgettable experience. Enjoy the ‘Land of Giants’ in all its glory.