Double Peak Challenge

Explore Africa with the "Double Peak Challenge" Tour

13 Days

Mount Meru is the second-highest mountain in Tanzania and fifth-highest in Africa, standing at 4,566 meters high. A volcanic explosion about 250,000 years ago destroyed the mountain’s eastern face, giving it a unique appearance. The journey to the summit is an adventure that takes hikers through different vegetation zones, starting from dry forest, thick mountain rainforest, scrubland, and finally alpine terrain. The animals adapt to these changes, and hikers may see giraffes, buffaloes, baboons, colobus monkeys, and antelopes while climbing.

The journey starts at Momella gate, after a beautiful journey through the Arusha National Park. An armed park ranger accompanies hikers to ensure safety. During the trek, hikers get to see giraffes and buffaloes while crossing wide-open grasslands. The journey takes two hours to reach the Maio Falls, where hikers can take a break and have a picnic. The climb continues to the famous “fig tree arch” through a rocky, wooden footpath. Climbing Mount Meru and Mount Kilimanjaro is an adventure of a lifetime. Hikers get to experience different vegetation zones, see unique animals, and enjoy stunning views of Tanzania’s mountains.

Trip Highlights

Mount Meru

Mount Meru

After almost two hours of climbing, hikers reach the viewpoint called “Mgongo wa Tembo” (elephant back) at a height of 3,200 meters, where they take a break. Saddle Hut, at 3,550 meters, marks a significant change in the landscape from jungle to heather and grassland. Hikers can choose to walk to Little Meru, which takes one to two hours, and see a beautiful view of Arusha National Park and Kilimanjaro.

Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro

At night, hikers depart from the camp to Rhino Point by following the trail through the forest while using headlamps. From Rhino Point, the path gets more challenging, and hikers walk over volcanic ash, boulders, and gravel. Hikers arrive at Socialist Peak, the peak, in around four to five hours. They can watch the sun rise over Kilimanjaro and enjoy the breathtaking view of Meru’s crater.

Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro

After conquering Mount Meru, the next adventure is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro using the Machame path. The trek starts in a beautiful jungle, and the path is steeper and has higher altitudes than other routes. However, it is worth it to reach the summit. Hikers will have an English-speaking guide, cooks, and porters to help them carry up to 15 kg of luggage.


Mount Kilimanjaro

The climb to the summit begins at the Umbwe gate, passing through former colonial coffee and banana plantation villages. The trek provides views of deep canyons and, if lucky, distant peeks of Kilimanjaro. The journey takes hikers through the natural rainforest, which gradually becomes narrower and steeper as it climbs the slope. The terrain becomes moors and heathlands, offering stunning views of the mountain. Hikers will camp at Shira camp, and then climb the Shira Plateau to the Barranco Valley, home to enormous senecio and lobelia plants. The Barranco Camp offers hikers breathtaking views of Kibo’s south glacier.