Lakes & Gorillas

Explore Africa with the "Lakes & Gorillas" Tour

11 Days

This trip takes you to Uganda and Rwanda to look for unusual species. You’ll encounter mountain gorillas, elephants, lions, and other animals. This safari lets you see Uganda and Rwanda’s rich history and traditions.

Lake Victoria

Entebbe is located on Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest freshwater lake. Early arrivals can explore Entebbe. You’ll be driven to your guesthouse upon arrival. Early arrivals can tour Entebbe’s lush suburbs, market, and botanical gardens.

Lago Mburo National Park

Entebbe to Lake Mburo took 4 hours. We’ll check into our accommodation then go on a nocturnal game drive. We’ll see giraffes, zebras, antelopes, buffalo, and maybe leopards. Lake Mburo is Uganda’s smallest national park yet one of its most beautiful.

Trip Highlights



Visit the equator. We’ll stop for coffee, photographs, and roadside crafts.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

This day will let you view Queen Elizabeth’s beautiful countryside and fauna. Expect to encounter elephants, buffalo, antelope, and lions and leopards during the game drive. We then use the Kazinga Channel Drive over the Kazinga channel to watch men fishing in hippo-filled waters.


Mweya Peninsula

After breakfast, you’ll go on a game drive into the park’s savannah. Elephants, lions, buffaloes, kobs, warthogs, waterbucks, and other small mammals may be seen. On this game drive, you’ll view the Rwenzori ranges and Crater Lake. Lunch in “the wonderful place” Mweya Peninsula.

In the afternoon you’ll take the Kazinga channel cruise. Enjoy the gorgeous lake shoreline overflowing with “loser” buffalo herds, hippos, crocodiles, and countless birds like pink backed pelicans, plovers, Kingfishers, and many other bird species.

Uganda Rwanda Gorillas


After breakfast, go through Queen Elizabeth to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. This route passes through savannah grasslands and tropical rainforests, making it one of Uganda’s most picturesque.

Stop for lunch and a game drive in Ishasha, where you may view tree-climbing lions. You will arrive in Bwindi in the late evening.

Gorilla Chimp

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Breakfast early, 8am park office briefing. The rangers will then lead you down small forest pathways through heavy vegetation to find gorilla families. Observe gorillas in their native habitat up close. Gorillas eat, groom, and play. After the day’s activities, plant trees as a sign of conservation. Dinner and overnight accommodations